Dental implants are options to replace missing teeth. We use only the best implant companies and protocol to achieve predictable results. Implants are titanium screws that is placed into the bone of the missing tooth and later, a crown is placed on it. Dental implants are not for everybody. We advice you to do a 3D scan prior to any implant procedure to help us plan the precise size and position of the implant. Complex situations of deficient bone may require grafting with artificial bone and sinus augmentation procedures. Modern day implant dentistry is relatively safe and predictable provided biology and healing time is respected. The procedure involves a 2 stage approach where we first place the implant into the bone and then after a healing period of 2-3 months, we place the tooth on the implant. All on 4 is a treatment protocol by Nobel Bio Care for replacing all teeth in your jaw. We can replace upto 12 teeth in an entire jaw by placing only 4 implants.

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt in your mouth and are routinely associated with pain and discomfort. Our conservative approach is to prevent surgeries with various alternative means to reduce pain and discomfort. Wisdom tooth surgery if required is done under profound local anesthesia coupled with medicines to help reduce post operative discomfort.
We at bay dental use the latest in periotome and elevator instrumentation coupled with years of skill and patience to ensure even routine tooth extractions are atraumatic, uneventful and painless. This coupled with our tailor made medicine prescriptions for each patient ensures your post operative discomfort is at a minimum.

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt in your mouth and are routinely associated with pain and discomfort. Our conservative approach is to prevent surgeries with various alternative means to reduce pain and discomfort. Wisdom tooth surgery if required is done under profound local anesthesia coupled with medicines to help reduce post operative discomfort.